Physicians and doctors summary

Dr. Ahmed specializes in Urology. He is board eligible in Urology by the American Board of

Dr. Bajaj specializes in Pain Management and Prevention. He is board certified in Anesthesia

Dr. Chandran specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery.

Dr. Chandran specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery.

Dr. Feder specializes in an orthopedic sports medicine and orthopedic surgery. He is board

Dr. Freedman specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery,

Dr. Frey specializes in an orthopedic surgeon specializing in foot and ankle. She is board

Dr. Huber specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery. Dr.

Dr. Hurst is a General Surgeon, Surgical Oncologist and General Medicine provider, whose

Dr. Kerr specializes in Pain Management and Prevention. She is board certified by the American

Dr. Levine specializes in Ears, Nose and throat (ENT). He is board certified by the American

Dr. Lim specializes in orthopedic shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand surgery. He is board

Dr. Malhotra specializes in Urology. He is board certified in Urology by the American Board of

Dr. Park specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery. Dr.

Dr. Peck specializes in Pain Management and Prevention. He is board certified by the American

Dr. Reff specializes in orthopedic knee & hip surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic

Dr. Rogers specializes in Spine Surgery. She first earned a master’s degree in physical

James Scharffenberger, MD is a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist (OBGYN) in Torrance,

Dr. Sesi specializes in Ears, Nose and throat (ENT). He is board certified by the American

Dr. Slutsky is Chief of reconstructive surgery. He is Board Certified and the Founding

Dr. Smith specializes in general surgery and he is the top in the field of Laparoscopic Sports

Dr. Lee-Tall specializes in adult and pediatric Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose, and Throat). She is

Dr. Tomasic specializes in Urology. He is board certified in Urology by the American Board of

Dr. Yamauchi specializes in Urology. He is board certified in Urology by the American Board of

Dr. Zoppi specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery. Dr.

Dr. Samie specializes in Pain Management and Anesthesiology. He completed his undergraduate
Dr. Lisa Fisher, MD is an obstetrics & gynecology specialist.

  • (310) 376-2707
  • Beach District Surgery Center LP
    514 N. Prospect Ave., #100
    Redondo Beach, CA 90277